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Spanish Numbers

This page contains our list of numbers translated from Spanish to English. This list includes all the numbers from one to one hundred, then translates larger numbers like one thousand (1000), ten thousand (10,000), one hundred thousand (100,000), and one million (1,000,000) among others.

Below this list you will find a helpful video that includes spoken number translations, which can be vitally important for Spanish number pronunciation. The video covers the numbers 1 to 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, and 1000.

Spanish Number Words:

You can also view this list of Spanish numbers with translations from English to Spanish. Words in bold added during the last update.

General Number Words:

Número ➔ Number

Contar ➔ Count

Contando ➔ Counting

Spanish Numbers 1-20

Uno ➔ One ➔ 1

Dos ➔ Two ➔ 2

Tres ➔ Three ➔ 3

Cuatro ➔ Four ➔ 4

Cinco ➔ Five ➔ 5

Seis ➔ Six ➔ 6

Siete ➔ Seven ➔ 7

Ocho ➔ Eight ➔ 8

Nueve ➔ Nine ➔ 9

Diez ➔ Ten ➔ 10

Once ➔ Eleven ➔ 11

Doce ➔ Twelve ➔ 12

Trece ➔ Thirteen ➔ 13

Catorce ➔ Fourteen ➔ 14

Quince ➔ Fifteen ➔ 15

Dieciseis ➔ Sixteen ➔ 16

Diecisiete ➔ Seventeen ➔ 17

Dieciocho ➔ Eighteen ➔ 18

Diecinueve ➔ Nineteen ➔ 19

Veinte ➔ Twenty ➔ 20

Spanish Numbers 20-29

Veinte ➔ Twenty ➔ 20

Veintiuno ➔ Twenty one ➔ 21

Veintidós ➔ Twenty two ➔ 22

Veintitrés ➔ Twenty three ➔ 23

Veinticuatro ➔ Twenty four ➔ 24

Veinticinco ➔ Twenty five ➔ 25

Veintiséis ➔ Twenty six ➔ 26

Veintisiete ➔ Twenty seven ➔ 27

Veintiocho ➔ Twenty eight ➔ 28

Veintinueve ➔ Twenty nine ➔ 29

Spanish Numbers 30-39

Treinta ➔ Thirty ➔ 30

Treinta y uno ➔ Thirty one ➔ 31

Treinta y dos ➔ Thirty two ➔ 32

Treinta y tres ➔ Thirty three ➔ 33

Treinta y cuatro ➔ Thirty four ➔ 34

Treinta y cinco ➔ Thirty five ➔ 35

Treinta y seis ➔ Thirty six ➔ 36

Treinta y siete ➔ Thirty seven ➔ 37

Treinta y ocho ➔ Thirty eight ➔ 38

Treinta y nueve ➔ Thirty nine ➔ 39

Spanish Numbers 40-49

Cuarenta ➔ Forty ➔ 40

Cuarenta y uno ➔ Forty one ➔ 41

Cuarenta y dos ➔ Forty two ➔ 42

Cuarenta y tres ➔ Forty three ➔ 43

Cuarenta y cuatro ➔ Forty four ➔ 44

Cuarenta y cinco ➔ Forty five ➔ 45

Cuarenta y seis ➔ Forty six ➔ 46

Cuarenta y siete ➔ Forty seven ➔ 47

Cuarenta y ocho ➔ Forty eight ➔ 48

Cuarenta y nueve ➔ Forty nine ➔ 49

Spanish Numbers 50-59

Cincuenta ➔ Fifty ➔ 50

Cincuenta y uno ➔ Fifty one ➔ 51

Cincuenta y dos ➔ Fifty two ➔ 52

Cincuenta y tres ➔ Fifty three ➔ 53

Cincuenta y cuatro ➔ Fifty four ➔ 54

Cincuenta y cinco ➔ Fifty five ➔ 55

Cincuenta y seis ➔ Fifty six ➔ 56

Cincuenta y siete ➔ Fifty seven ➔ 57

Cincuenta y ocho ➔ Fifty eight ➔ 58

Cincuenta y nueve ➔ Fifty nine ➔ 59

Spanish Numbers 60-69

Sesenta ➔ Sixty ➔ 60

Sesenta y uno ➔ Sixty one ➔ 61

Sesenta y dos ➔ Sixty two ➔ 62

Sesenta y tres ➔ Sixty three ➔ 63

Sesenta y cuatro ➔ Sixty four ➔ 64

Sesenta y cinco ➔ Sixty five ➔ 65

Sesenta y seis ➔ Sixty six ➔ 66

Sesenta y siete ➔ Sixty seven ➔ 67

Sesenta y ocho ➔ Sixty eight ➔ 68

Sesenta y nueve ➔ Sixty nine ➔ 69

Spanish Numbers 70-79

Setenta ➔ Seventy ➔ 70

Setenta y uno ➔ Seventy one ➔ 71

Setenta y dos ➔ Seventy two ➔ 72

Setenta y tres ➔ Seventy three ➔ 73

Setenta y cuatro ➔ Seventy four ➔ 74

Setenta y cinco ➔ Seventy five ➔ 75

Setenta y seis ➔ Seventy six ➔ 76

Setenta y siete ➔ Seventy seven ➔ 77

Setenta y ocho ➔ Seventy eight ➔ 78

Setenta y nueve ➔ Seventy nine ➔ 79

Spanish Numbers 80-89

Ochenta ➔ Eighty ➔ 80

Ochenta y uno ➔ Eighty one ➔ 81

Ochenta y dos ➔ Eighty two ➔ 82

Ochenta y tres ➔ Eighty three ➔ 83

Ochenta y cuatro ➔ Eighty four ➔ 84

Ochenta y cinco ➔ Eighty five ➔ 85

Ochenta y seis ➔ Eighty six ➔ 86

Ochenta y siete ➔ Eighty seven ➔ 87

Ochenta y ocho ➔ Eighty eight ➔ 88

Ochenta y nueve ➔ Eighty nine ➔ 89

Spanish Numbers 90-99

Noventa ➔ Ninety ➔ 90

Noventa y uno ➔ Ninety one ➔ 91

Noventa y dos ➔ Ninety two ➔ 92

Noventa y tres ➔ Ninety three ➔ 93

Noventa y cuatro ➔ Ninety four ➔ 94

Noventa y cinco ➔ Ninety five ➔ 95

Noventa y seis ➔ Ninety six ➔ 96

Noventa y siete ➔ Ninety seven ➔ 97

Noventa y ocho ➔ Ninety eight ➔ 98

Noventa y nueve ➔ Ninety nine ➔ 99

Higher Spanish Numbers: Hundreds

Cien ➔ One hundred ➔ 100

Ciento uno ➔ One hundred one ➔ 101

Ciento dos ➔ One hundred two ➔ 102

Ciento once ➔ One hundred eleven ➔ 111

Ciento trece ➔ One hundred thirteen ➔ 113

Ciento dieciséis ➔ One hundred sixteen ➔ 116

Ciento veinte ➔ One hundred twenty ➔ 120

Ciento veintiuno ➔ One hundred twenty one ➔ 121

Ciento cincuenta ➔ One hundred fifty ➔ 150

Doscientos ➔ Two hundred ➔ 200

Doscientos cincuenta ➔ Two hundred fifty ➔ 250

Trescientos ➔ Three hundred ➔ 300

Trescientos treinta ➔ Three hundred thirty ➔ 330

Cuatrocientos ➔ Four hundred ➔ 400

Cuatrocientos cincuenta ➔ Four hundred fifty ➔ 450

Quinientos ➔ Five hundred ➔ 500

Quinientos cincuenta ➔ Five hundred fifty ➔ 550

Seiscientos ➔ Six hundred ➔ 600

Setecientos ➔ Seven hundred ➔ 700

Ochocientos ➔ Eight hundred ➔ 800

Novecientos ➔ Nine hundred ➔ 900

Novecientos dos ➔ Nine hundred two ➔ 902

Higher Spanish Numbers: Thousands

Mil ➔ Thousand ➔ 1000

Mil novecientos sesenta y cinco ➔ One thousand nine hundred sixty five ➔ 1965

Dos mil dieciocho ➔ Two thousand eighteen ➔ 2018

Diez mil ➔ Ten thousand ➔ 10,000

Diecisiete mil ciento veintitrés ➔ Seventeen thousand one hundred twenty three ➔ 17,123

Diecinueve mil ➔ Nineteen thousand ➔ 19,000

Veinte mil ➔ Twenty thousand ➔ 20,000

Treinta mil ➔ Thirty thousand ➔ 30,000

Cincuenta mil ➔ Fifty thousand ➔ 50,000

Setenta mil ➔ Seventy thousand ➔ 70,000

Higher Spanish Numbers: Hundred Thousands

Cien mil ➔ One hundred thousand ➔ 100,000

Ciento cincuenta mil ➔ One hundred fifty thousand ➔ 150,000

Doscientos mil ➔ Two hundred thousand ➔ 200,000

Doscientos cincuenta mil ➔ Two hundred fifty thousand ➔ 250,000

Trescientos mil ➔ Three hundred thousand ➔ 300,000

Cuatrocientos mil ➔ Four hundred thousand ➔ 400,000

Quinientos mil ➔ Five hundred thousand ➔ 500,000

Quinientos cincuenta mil trescientos ➔ Five hundred fifty thousand three hundred ➔ 550,300

Seiscientos mil ➔ Six hundred thousand ➔ 600,000

Setecientos mil ➔ Seven hundred thousand ➔ 700,000

Ochocientos mil ➔ Eight hundred thousand ➔ 800,000

Novecientos mil ➔ Nine hundred thousand ➔ 900,000

Higher Spanish Numbers: Millions

Millón ➔ Million ➔ 1,000,000

Dos millones trescientos diez mil cuatrocientos ➔ Two million three hundred ten thousand four hundred ➔ 2,310,400

Siete millones seiscientos quince mil novecientos ➔ Seven million six hundred fifteen thousand nine hundred ➔ 7,615,900

Cuarenta millones ➔ Forty million ➔ 40,000,000

*Spanish numbers list last updated: March 27, 2018.

English to Spanish Comprehension:

How well do you remember what you've learned? Can you answer these questions? Once you've written down your answers, scroll back up to see how you've done.

1. How do you say 60 in Spanish translation?
2. How do you say 200 in Spanish?
3. How do you say number in Spanish?
4. How do you say one hundred in Spanish?
5. How do you say 30 in Spanish?
6. How do you say 40 in Spanish translation?
7. How do you spell 2,310,400 in Spanish?
8. How do you spell one hundred fifty in Spanish?
9. How do you say 80 in Spanish?
10. How do you say 90 in Spanish?
11. How do you spell the number 20 in Spanish?
12. How do you say one thousand in Spanish?
13. What is 70 in Spanish?
14. How do you say fifteen in Spanish?
15. How do you say 1,000,000 in Spanish?
16. How do you say count in Spanish?
17. How do you say 300 in Spanish?
18. How do you say the number 50 in Spanish?
19. How do you say thirty one in Spanish?
20. How do you spell six in Spanish?

Spanish to English Comprehension:

You can also test yourself on how well you've remembered the numbers when you are given a Spanish number word. See how many of these you can translate into English.

1. What is the translation of novecientos dos in English?
2. What is the meaning of trescientos treinta in English?

Next Up

Spanish Days and Months: Learn how to say the days and months in Spanish.


As many of the translations in the list above are user submitted, it's quite possible for there to be mistakes on the page. If you speak Spanish and have a correction you'd like to share, feel free to leave a message below. Thanks again for any help you can provide.

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Spanish Learning Videos

Learn Spanish - Vocabulary: Learn Numbers

Here's a good video that translates several numbers in Spanish, where you can both hear and see the word. Includes the numbers 1 - 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 1000.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Spanish myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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