Learn Russian (Russki) Random Words & Phrases
(words in bold added in the last update)

Aftobus - Bus
Breash - Beach
Dom - House
Eto ochin daleko! - That's really far away!
Gde ya mogu kupit' bileti shtob vibratsa iz etovo zamerzhshovo ada? - Where can I buy tickets to get out of this frozen hell?
Harrasho - Good
Horosho - Fine
Kha rawsh en kee - Cute
Korondash - Pencil
Kraceevoy - Good Looking
Laad na - Alright / Okay
Lerwe - Left
Mashina - Car
Napadat - Attack
Naz da rovia - Cheers
Novee - New
Ochin preeyatna - Very pleasant
Oo daa cha - Good luck
Ploha - Bad
Poist - Train
Prekrasni - Excellent
Rawzh dyest VAW - Christmas
Rushka - Pen
Samilout - Plane
Seempateechna - Cute
Sevodnya eediot snyek - Today it is snowing
Sevodnya horoshiy den' umeret' - Today is a good day to die
Sorazdest Vom - Merry Christmas
Sovyet - Soviet
Staree - Old
S'novym godom - Happy New Year
Taxi - Taxi
Tee vidyelish moyio vodka? - Have you seen my vodka?
Tut ochen holodno - It's very cold here.
Vot eta da - Wow
Vot eta da, vodka ochen deshovaya tut! - Wow, vodka is cheap here!
Vy ochen' krasivy - You are very beautiful
Za vas - To you

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The Russian to English Dictionary featured at the Chromlea Language Tutor may contain some errors in the Russian language. It is to be seen with a grain of salt, as all the content is from actual user submissions and not checked for grammatical / spelling accuracy (though we do correct our content as we are informed of errors). We wish you the best as you learn Russian and hope you can find this site helpful in your Russian language study.